Thursday, March 3, 2011

Class Coming to an END...

The class is coming to an end. I feel like I learned a lot in a short period of time. I am very happy with the webiste I made through google sites. Even though there were times that I struggled in class and was very frustrated; I am very proud of my accomplishments. The websites and tools that were given to us in class were very helpful. I am definitely becoming more confident in the field of technology.

Here is a link to my website:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Puzzle Maker

Here is the link for my word search made by Puzzlemaker.

I thought that this website was a great puzzlemaking tool. I think the kids would enjoy it!

Wunderground Activity

Here is my link to the wunderground activity.

This is a great activity for older grades to track data and trends.

Microsoft-Movie Maker

This is a really cool program, however, it was very time consuming. I know have an idea on how to make a movie for my class at the end of the year. It would be nice to present special youtube videos that I could find like the alphabet by sesame street and make a slideshow. Great websites!

~You Tube
~Microsoft movie maker

fav movies by Tiffany O'Brien.wmv

Prezi ~ All About Trees

Here is a link to my prezi...

I liked Prezi! It is a great way to do a quick slideshow to present picures and you can add data. Prezi would be an awesome tool in the classroom for questions and answers. First question-- then the next slide is the answer.